Monday, May 17, 2010

Painted Bamboo Beauty

This weekend I spotted this painted bamboo chest over at Southern Exposure .  Rachel is insanely talented.  The lamp on the chest is a TJ Maxx find which she pained and then painted a stencil onto the lampshade.  I absolutely love the color of the bamboo chest, her lamp upgrade and her styled vignette.  

On Saturday, I hit a couple of tag sales.  I found an artichoke accessory very similar to the one pictured above for a $1 and while I didn't find a bamboo chest, I did find something bamboo, and I'm beyond ecstatic.  Stay tuned....


  1. Love this color! This has me rethinking the white I was planning on painting the dresser I recently bought for our family room.

  2. Yes, Emily... love the blue also! What a beautiful vignette! I can't wait to see what you found at the tag sale! Is that a stone artichoke? ONE dollar?? You are a great shopper!!! (Missed you so much last week!)

  3. Agree...the color on that chest is terrific! Excited for your reveal :)

  4. This chest is amazing! Awesome find!
