Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sneak Peek: Big boy's room

Finally, I am ready to show you a corner of my son's new big boy room.  But, only a corner!  The rest of the room is still in progress.  So far, I am really happy with how it is turning out.  Here it is (after):
The walls are painted Benjamin Moore White Dove.  I found the vintage '3' number sign at Anthropologie for 50% off - so appropriate since my son just turned three.  I framed three vintage Guinness post cards that my husband bought in Ireland and hung them in a frame above the built in drawers (My husband is Irish, need I say more?).  
Remember, I was trying to find inexpensive bookracks?  Well, one night I was complaining to my husband that I couldn't find anything inexpensive that I liked.  He, then asked me, "How about I try and build you one?"  And, I was like, "Are you serious?"  And, being the wonderful husband that he is, he said, "Yes."  And, that was music to my ears!
We spent the next half hour or so drawing a sketch (based on a picture I showed him) - him asking me questions here and there.  He did all the math and figured out all the measurements.  And, then he proceeded to take the next couple of nights (after the son was in bed) to build it using all scrap wood we had leftover in our basement.
He used dowel rods (cylinder rods) to keep the books from falling out.  He painted it white and I cannot believe how awesome of a job he did.  It turned out better than I imagined and literally we paid nothing for it.  $0!! He did such a great job.  He used toggle bolts to secure it to the wall and viola, it was ready for all of Luke's books.
Prior to the big boy room transformation, this is a snapshot of the same corner before we painted it (before).
It's come a long way.  I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm really happy with how things are progressing.  Below is a snapshot of some (not all! elements I plan on using in his new room.  I'm not revealing everything,  because I definitely want there to be some surprises!
If you remember, I found the spindle head and foot board for $35 at an antique store.  I picked out a warm brown color, Benjamin Moore's Natura (zero VOC) Maryville Brown and my husband painted it.  The duvet cover is from Ikea.  I plan on doing a framed series above his bed of cut out pages from his favorite book, 'Caps for Sale' in natural Ribba frames .  I found the map at a consignment store and it is perfect because it reflects the colors of his room (yellowish green, warm brown with hints of turquoise and red).  
So, that is it for now.  What do you think?  Stay tuned for more.....hopefully, soon!


  1. What a fun space! Great job on the book rack.

  2. Your husband is so sweet to make the book racks for you! I love what you've done so far. Rooms for children are so much fun to decorate.

  3. Good Job! I love the green 3 sign and the book rack!

  4. This is one of my all time favorite posts form your blog! I love all of your DIY's but I love watching projects and ideas evolve and come together! (And this one has really evolved beautifully!) You and Kevin are a great team!! I'm sure little Luke is loving his big boy room! I can't wait for the rest!!!
    -ME xo

  5. OH MY It looks Adorable! I love the book shelf, wall color, # 3 sign... everything! Can my kids come over & play? They would LOVE it! Can't wait to see more!!!


  6. that book rack... is fantastic. i've been looking for something similar for ages! great job!

  7. Wow that bookshelf is amazing! I am in love with it! That vintage number is great too!

  8. Looks fantastic, Fran! And I can't believe your hubby made that -- from your design!! Y'all could totally start a furniture business. ;)

  9. Love! Caps For Sale is such a great book and a fun theme for a room.

  10. the sneak peek is just gorgeous! love the white walls. Oh and I just found a spindle bed for my boy too. I am thinking about painting it navy or green. Oh, and add a $100 to your total...ugh.

  11. It looks awesome Frannie! I need you here!

  12. love the room so far! Love the bookcase.......color me jealous your husband could make it! I have been dying for that same one.

  13. Fran, it looks! Love the color scheme, the bedding, and all your bargains--bed, postcard and bookpage art, and of course the awesome bookrack!

  14. WOW! Thanks you guys! So thrilled by all your comments and compliments! You've made my day! :)

  15. It looks amazing. I love the book rack, your husband did a superb job.
