Monday, June 21, 2010

Renovating our bathroom

Thought I'd share an idea board I created for our bathroom we're currently renovating.  This is the first time I have ever used polyvore and it took me a while to figure it out.  Is it me, or is polyvore not intuitive?  

We had limited choices for the vanities due to our small bathroom and our budget! :) I'm not in love with the vanity, but it works because the vanity is only 13" deep. Anything deeper, would have blocked the entry way into the bathroom.  My husband will be doing all the manual labor! And, I mean all! (more details to follow in future posts).
I will be going with a lighter/paler blue paint then the one shown in the idea board. I am not sold on the rug (rephrase: I love this rug, but I'm not sure how it works here)? 
So, what do you think of the idea board? I would love your feedback. In your opinion, what works well and what doesn't? I'm open to other ideas or suggestions if you have them!!


  1. Fran--I love those shades! And, I think the rug will be tons of fun in there. Great job on your idea board.

    And, yes, Polyvore can be a pain.

  2. I am in the process of redoing my bathroom as well. Most of the vanities in the market place are so predictable, and boring. I found one that looks like a piece of furniture (a cabinet) has two drawers and makes my little bath look so much bigger! I am also adding a small chandelier in there. I will post pictures when it is done. Good luck with yours, I am sure it will be lovely with the colors you have chosen.

  3. Oh how fun! Your bathroom is going to look great and I agree with Emily about the rug. I need to try Polyvore.

  4. I love the rug. I just used it on a design board for a nursery on my blog. I know it sounds crazy but check out Costco for vanities. They have some highend looking ones (think restoration hardware or PB) for very reasonable prices.

  5. I love Polyvore, so fun to use.Your mood board is great, can't wait to see the finished look.

  6. Fran, it looks great! Love the window tx and I love the rug. Are you worried the zig zag will compete with the ikat? It also looks black and the window fab is blue? Maybe toning down the rug and doing it in neutrals--tan & white--will work better? I don't like Polyvore! I like to make my own mood boards.

  7. Hi Casey, thanks! Yeah, I am a little worried that both the zig zag and ikat are bold patterns and it might be too much? I like your idea about toning the rug and doing more neutrals - need to look into that. Anyway, thx for your advice!!
